Hiya, folks!

Welcome to my lil’ alcove of the internet, where I share my musings about the magic, history, and thrill of all things Disney. Having been born in the early 1990s, I grew up mesmerized by Eyvind Earle’s meticulous landscapes in Sleeping Beauty and feeling safe and comforted as I meandered alongside Pooh and his friends throughout the Hundred Acre Wood. Lunches were eaten off of plastic plates that featured some of my favorite films and characters, and birthdays just simply weren’t the same without a grocery store princess cake. Trips to the Disney parks weren’t common when I was a kid but I knew after I took my first steps inside the gates of the Magic Kingdom that I had found where real-life, palpable magic lived.

Since then, I’ve made my way back to the parks many times and have found ways to keep the magic alive and well in my day-to-day life. Much of that involves staying within arms reach to the stories, artists, and music that I know and love but also diving into interviews, books and articles, documentaries, and museum exhibits that expand my knowledge of just what it took - the resources, training, experiences, people-power, and lessons learned - to create the very things that I’ve spent my entire life so deeply connected to.

So, it’s safe to say that this publication has been a long-time comin’. I’ve been wanting to add my hat to the Disney community and find a way to share long-form content about the topics, people, and elements of this fantastical realm that have always excited me. I love diggin’ a lil’ deeper (like Mama Odie said!) to unearth a wider understanding and appreciation for just how the magic is made and why, after all these years, it still matters. That’s magic, noted.

Stay up-to-date

I post most Wednesday mornings and occasional Friday mornings (with some random posts thrown in here and there), so be sure to subscribe so that every new edition of this publication goes directly to your inbox. You won’t have to worry about missing a single thing!

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Your support matters

Magic, Noted is an entirely ad-free space and while I love researching and writing about all things Disney, the virtual tip jar and regular contributions to the publication help keep the figurative roof over this operation. Not only are subscribers investing in my work, but they join of a community of fellow Disney nerds who share their interests.

As a fun extra, they also receive a Magic Badge sticker in their physical mailbox (U.S. mailing addresses only - sorry!) each month, with annual and Patron of Magic subscribers receiving a special bonus sticker (and one of my personal favorites) in their first mailing. Please know that whether you’re a free or paid subscriber, I’m eternally grateful for your support!

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This is bae. Don’t worry, my husband knows.

About Mackenzie

I was born and raised in Houston, Texas but now reside in Central Texas where you can often find me gardening, doodling, dabbling in stationery (see: my alter ego here and here), reading, making candles, complaining about the weather, and spending time with my husband and our four cats and Golden Retriever. I have two academic degrees, which led me to, 1.) love researching and writing and 2.) become a geospatial data analyst. I’m a nerd, and I love nerding out with other nerds. If that’s you (or not), welcome! Thanks for being here.

Subscribe to Magic, Noted

A newsletter that fuels the fun. We explore the spectrum of elements of both today and yesteryear that deepen and enhance a Disney experience. That’s magic, noted.


I'm a stationery nerd, bookworm, gardener, Disney fan, and Thai tea aquarium, living in Central Texas.